01 January 2010

3 Generation Photo

I took an awesome (if I do say so myself) picture of the 4 Bryant boys.


The dreaded Bouttenier.


It is interesting to me that corsages have improved greatly over the years. You can now just slip it on a girls wrist and WALA you are done. Yet the boutinier has not changed since the 50's. It still requires an advanced degree in logistics to get the silly thing on. Just watch and you'll see.

More Homecoming Pic's

Homecoming 2009

Grams and Papa come for a visit

My in-laws come for a visit periodically. This year they happened upon us at Steph's birthday. We had fun having them here for the festivities and to meet Steph's friends.

More Steph's B-day party

Steph's 17th Birthday

Fun and Festivities at Steph's Birthday. I am amazed at what a great young woman she is turning out to be.